Its mental health week here in Australia and it’s also World Mental Health Day on October 10 so I thought it would be a good time to share some simple, inexpensive ways to help make ones immediate surroundings feel better and nicer. I do think the little things in life are important and can make a difference to our general wellbeing – a holistic approach to our health really does go a long way to making us all feel more rounded, happy and connected. And who here knew that styling could also be a part of this?? Mental Health does affect us all on some level (I share my brief family story below) and I do think it’s a normal part of life and a good thing for us all to be talking about. Conversation, has the power to evoke tolerance and understanding – our society can chat more about this topic and I know it would help make a difference to the stigma surrounding the health of our minds.
My mum was diagnosed with the late onset of Bipolar – over the years our family has experienced many ups, downs and uncertainties. The hardest struggle we found was getting the right help for her – it literally took years and years of searching! Thankfully she has been relatively well for a good few years now and I think we all feel very lucky to enjoy her being peaceful within her thoughts and doing well. My mum is very special because she managed to raise two children on her own and for the most part my brother and I were clueless about her struggles. My childhood always felt, well… my kind of normal and looking back I will always feel as though I’ve lived a very blessed life! I remember being shocked at her diagnosis in perhaps a very narrow minded way – I was petrified that I would lose my mother as I knew her. I initially did not want to believe it and I tried to find other doctors who would disagree with her condition – in hindsight just getting her some genuine, mental health help would have been such a better place to start. Just so you know, there were times when I lost my mum as I knew her but even in the midst of her being very unwell, she still managed to be my gorgeous mother when I really needed her most and she did eventually get better :-).
So, as promised here are six simple ways to make your immediate environment feel happier/ better;
Maybe you too have some creative ideas to add to this list? Please feel free to share. Lastly, if you or someone you know does need a little help or someone to talk to, be brave and call for help – I always found the Beyond Blue Website a reliable place to start.
Rachael xx
Dear Rach,
Thank you so much for sharing your story along with the news of your Mum, she is obviously a strong women and a wonderful Mother and having lost my father when I was 9 to a long battle with Mental illness and having seen him spend a lot of my childhood unwell and in care it’s so important to talk and connect with others who understand and to stop and listen to people that are going through difficult times as often just having someone to speak with can be the difference for so many who are struggling silently. Thank you for highlighting important ways to help bring some happiness into the home as it really is the sweetest and simplest things that quite often bring the most inner peace and happiness within, much love deb xox
Oh Deb – I am so sorry about your Dad. It must have been such a difficult time for your family (and still would be) especially you being so young. Thankyou for sharing your story, you and your family are so unbelievably strong! I too think it’s important to have a listening ear – it can make all the difference. Looking forward to a coffee and hug with you oneday soon gorgeous lady!! Your a dear one Deb! Rach xx
Beautiful story you shared with us Rach thx so much. I believe a good forage is great for the soul and i’ve just come back from the park with Master 5, the dog and huge bag of succulents. Thanks for sharing today xo
Sounds like the perfect morning Yvette and are forage is totally wonderful for the soul. Must pop over to instagram to see your stash. xo
Oh Rach – thank you so much for sharing this with us. I want to give you a big hug and an even bigger of flowers. Sunshine is my thing… a good dose of sunshine does wonders for my moods and my mind xx
Now that makes so much sense Sonia because you are indeed a sunny one – really! A ray of yellow loveliness gorgeous lady xx
I love this post Rachael. I think mental illness is something that touches all of us in some way. And your hints for creating a happy, warm environment are so helpful. Styling can be viewed as a superficial occupation, but for me it’s about having a welcoming and nurturing home where I feel happy, calm and secure. If my house is a disaster, my mind feels a mess. Colour coding is one of my favourite ways to improve my mental state. Great post! Xo
It’s amazing how many people see styling as superficial Amanda – yet when I see a deep level of appreciation from my clients , I see how it is much more than that. I do think styling is a bit magical like that and like you I love it’s nurturing side too. Xx
[…] about the relationship between styling, making things cosy and therefore happier. As outlined in Styling, Stigma and keeping a healthy mind – I do believe there is a direct correlation between these […]