Ive discovered a new design and screen print business called Maze for Home; they create fun screen printed designs in their studio in Brighton, England. Don’t you just love how the internet / Instagram can connect us with cutting edge designs that can easily be part of our decor- story here in Australia too?! I do heart a new find, one that won’t necessarily be found en masse! In order for us to truly love and appreciate our homes, I believe it is important to keep the story of our home’s unique to us and unearthing new finds from different parts of the world is a great way to do this.
Maze Designs are contemporary style artworks which would be perfect to mix and match in any style home. I loved the designs bright coloured geo style, and think the graphics would be a particularly gorgeous way to add a range of varied shapes to a space.
Interior Styling Tip: Adding a range of varied shapes is one of my favourite styling tips, that I like to share with my clients. It’s often the reason behind why a space looks over crowded or is not working.
I also like that they’re a classic midcentury in style yet are super modern looking too.
I also love the vibrant on trend colours and can see them being the the perfect focal point in any room.
The Product Details;
I highly recommend you visiting Maze For Home (the link has now been removed as the business is no longer in operation) to view the entire range, the images shown here are a small taste from the collection.
Now, do tell me, have you unearthed any eye catching finds of late? Tell us about them below.