11 Ways to Make Consistent Purchases for the Home I recently packed away my late dad’s house and got it ready for its new owners. It involved sorting through his belongings, his memories and treasured possessions. I always knew this would be a reflective and sad time for my brother and me. There were a […]
Finding the time to give love and attention to all of your spaces at home, can feel unrealistic and an over daunting task for many. And because of this “Outdoor Spaces” are one of those areas often overlooked. I totally understand why this happens and why it can seem like hard work so let’s break down those key styling – […]
I’ve got a couple of design projects in the works at the moment and I’ve been busy researching and sourcing beautiful things. I thoroughly enjoy the discovery of finding new products & useful websites… and I certainly do my homework, so I thought that I’d share a few of those with you. I am loving […]
QUICK ROUND CUSHION TUTE Hello, If you read my last post found here… you will know that I’m more than a little gushy over round – cushions of late. Since then, my search for the perfect round – cushion has continued and whilst I have found a worthy bunch right here (always such amazing things at Castle and Things!), I still haven’t been able to source any […]
What is round and happy? I’m thinking for reasons of extreme happiness and general well-being that we all NEED more round cushions in our lives… seriously! Megan Morton has always been a huge advocate of all things round (and styling with a good balance of decor shapes in general) and I so get that! So here are […]
MIX and MATCH it! WORD: Un-coventional stripes, mixed and matched in any way shape or form are my latest interiors crush. I simply cannot get enough of them! I’ve never actually had a stripey crush before… have you?? If not, perhaps these lovely images will motivate you to do so? Tell me, this bedroom is not […]
CROCHET TRIM FOR YOUR BEDHEAD It’s always very tempting to attach the word ‘easy” to most tutorial style posts because let’s face it, everyone likes to do things with ease. Having said that, if I used that choice of word here – I would be totally fibbing you. I would be pulling your leg! Yes, I too am quite […]
STYLING A HEALTHY MIND Its mental health week here in Australia and it’s also World Mental Health Day on October 10 so I thought it would be a good time to share some simple, inexpensive ways to help make ones immediate surroundings feel better and nicer. I do think the little things in life are important and […]
MYTH DUSTING! Have you ever watched Mythbusters? All geekiness aside, I like that concept of separating myth from fact/fiction. Consumerism can sway our perceptions of how to create a beautiful home. It can be overwhelming because we feel our homes are never enough. Imagine a TV program, myth-busting misconceptions on how to make a beautiful […]
Hello, Do you have a wall vignette in your home?? I do and it’s one of the first things our guests notice when they enter our home. I like to see the warmth it brings to their faces. For those of you, that don’t know what a wall vignette is… let’s start with a simple definition. There are many different […]
Colour tones derived from nature I adore working with colour palette’s derived from nature- I think this is mostly because I feel confident, that nature rarely gets it wrong. I have found for me personally- being “A stylist” and “not being an Interior designer”, it is my preferred way to work with colours in decor. I am […]